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UF in North Queensland – Sustaining Humans and their Environment (6 credits)

  • Study abroad program lasting four weeks including travel all across the north region of the Australian state of Queensland

  • Activities included the Eye on the Reef Program at the Great Barrier Reef, camping in the

    outback and swimming in the Townsville Aquarium exotic fish tank

  • Learned about how tourism impacts the local environment and about the benefits of ecotourism

UF in Kenya – Field Ecology in Africa (3 credits)Undergraduate Research in Ecology (3 credits)

  • Study abroad program lasting three weeks at the Mpala Research Centre in Laikipia, Kenya

  • Learned about ecological processes through hands-on fieldwork and data collection

  • Conducted a small-group research project on Acacia drepanolobium trees




Wildlife Issues (3 credits)

Geology of the American National Parks (3 credits)

Plant Diversity (4 credits)

Desert Biodiversity (4 credits)

  • Research course involving 2 weeks of field work in southwest USA

  • Mapped invertebrate species observations across California, Arizona, and Nevada as a part of

    an independent research project utilizing iNaturalist

Treetop Biodiversity (4 credits)

  • Research course including several fieldwork excursions around Florida to climb trees and

    collect epiphyte samples

  • Conducted a small-group research project on the frequency of vascular and nonvascular plants at various heights

Evolution (4 credits)

Local Flora of North Florida (3 credits)

Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants & Lab (3+1 credits)

Forests, Conservation and People (3 credits)

Entering Research in Biology (1 credit)

Undergraduate Research in Biology (1 credit)

Environmental Science & Lab (3+1 credits)

Florida Geology Lab (1 credit)

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